Monday, October 10, 2016

KECC Mid Term rally was a smashing success!

A grand venue for great results!

The Governor's Mansion was host to the 2016 Mid Term Rally, and you missed quite the event if you weren't there. We are pleased to say that during the rally we collected over $550,000 in cash and payroll donations! This puts us well ahead of 2015's pace and leaves us at just shy of 50% of the way to our 2016 goal. Kentucky state employees' capacity for generosity is something to be admired. Whether it's financial giving or volunteering your efforts at a fundraising event, we appreciate your commitment to Servant Leadership!

In addition to Governor Bevin's thoughts on the 2016 theme, Servant Leadership, he encouraged the KECC team to blow this year's goal of $1,145,000 out of the water. At the rate we're going, we are optimistic that we might just do so!

Our guest speaker, Elizabeth Turner, shared her very moving story about how KECC partner charity, Kosair Charities, has transformed her life. Turner's seven-year old daughter, Molly has received assistance through several Kosair-funded agencies throughout her life. Molly has suffered from seizures since she was born, a result of a rare genetic condition that also causes developmental delays.

In addition to therapy services and access to a pediatric daycare facility for medically fragile children, Kosair Charities has provided the Turner family with a greatly needed support network. Doctors told Molly's mother and father that she would never be mobile, but Molly has proven them wrong! Because of therapy services and adaptive equipment provided from KECC partner charity, Kosair Charities, Molly has taken her first steps.

Never doubt that your KECC donation makes a difference -- it does! Children like Molly and families like the Turners benefit from your generosity everyday.


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